

We appreciate your feedback/enquiry for improvement and perfection.

Enquiry Form Customer      Supplier
Select Type of Supplier * Machineries & Instruments
Packing Materials
Name of the Personnel*
Name & Address of the concern*
Contact Phone No*
Email Id*
Your product portfolio and its details*
Select* Domestic Customer      Overseas Customer
Name of the Personnel*
Name & Address of the concern*
Contact Phone No*
Email Id*
Products you are currently dealing with MEPCO (if any) and/or specify your enquiry to cater to the requirement
Specify what we have to improve
We appreciate your feedback for improvement and perfection
Kindly spare few minutes to fill up the "Customer Feedback Form" in order to help us to serve you better.
How long you have been dealing with Mepco group
Less than 1 year 1 to 5 years 5 to 10 years 10 to 15 years Above 15 years
Suitability of Mepco product in your application
Always suits Often suits Most often suits Sometime suits Never suits
From where you procure your requirement
Factory Sivakasi Depot Mumbai Depot Delhi Depot Kolkata Depot
Strongly Agree Agree Neither disagree nor agree Disagree Strongly disagree
Your enquiries are timely attended
The dispatch intimation is provided to you immediately after dispatch of consignment
Samples requested by you is immediately provided
The orders placed by you is executed on time
You always receive products in intact condition
Excellent Very good Good Poor Very poor
The Quality of product is
The way of clarification of technical query is
The packing of products are (visibility of grade name, Batch No etc).
Suggestions/Enquiry if any